Adult Swim’s Shenmue: The Animation has been cut   

Don’t wait for season 2

A few months ago Shenmue: The Animation premiered , which of course was based on Sega ‘s legendary gaming franchise . As everything shows, the television series of Adult Swim and Crunchyroll will not continue.

And that’s because as it became known, Shenmue: The Animation was permanently cut shortly before the production of season 2 began . This means that the first chapter of the show may be available for now, but you won’t see its sequel. In fact, it is believed that this was done due to the strict measures taken by Warner Bros. Discovery , which resulted in several cancellations, including Batgirl.

Also, several users noticed that in addition to Shenmue, other series were removed from Adult Swim’s site, such as Blade Runner: Black Lotus, Fena: Pirate Princess, Lazor Wulf, and Tigtone.

All of the above was confirmed by Jason DeMarco who is SVP of Animation and Anime at Warner.

You can still watch all the anime on Crunchyroll and they are still available for download as well. And yes, there won’t be a Season 2 for Shenmue, even though it did quite well. In fact, we were preparing for the 2nd season … Maybe one day it will come, who knows…

Shenmue: The Animation premiered on February 5th.