Halloween: Megan Thee Stallion’s Viral Appearance as ‘Mirko’ From My Hero Academia (PHOTOS)  

It already has over 170,000 likes on Twitter

Megan Thee Stallion has expressed her love for anime many times before, and now she’s said to dress up as a heroine from My Hero Academia . In particular, the famous singer dressed up as ” Mirko ” for Halloween and surprised her fans, since the photos she uploaded quickly went viral.

Stallion loves Halloween and it shows every year, but this time she said to dress up a little more special, since she chose the Rabbit Hero Mirko. Mikro is not only one of the most popular heroines in this series, but also one of the strongest, as we saw from the first episodes of season 6 .

Check out the photos below:

Her post has already gone viral on social media, as it has more than 178,000 likes and countless comments on Twitter alone.

The 6th season of the anime is directed by  Kenji Nagasaki  and  Masahiro Mukai and follows the story of the original manga starting with the first chapters of the 27th volume, which begins with a big showdown between the heroes and villains of the Paranormal Liberation Front.

In case you don’t know, Mirko was already a big hit from the manga and fans have been anxiously waiting to see when this heroine will enter the series. What do you think of Megan Thee Stallion as Mirko from My Hero Academia? Tell us in the comments!