Some babies are born with a tail  

It is not a remnant of evolution

Did you know that in some very rare cases, some babies are born with tails that can reach 18 cm? To date, 40 such cases have been recorded worldwide, and since the tail consists only of soft tissue and does not contain bones, they were surgically removed.

If you thought this was some evolutionary remnant from some ancient ancestor, you are wrong. This theory has been debunked and the reality for these children is darker as they need immediate medical attention.

The tails of these babies are unlike any other tail that exists in nature. They do not contain bones, cartilage and are not connected to the spine, while they have no function. However, this does not mean that they are as harmless as scientists previously thought.

It all started with Darwin, who thought that these tails were evolutionary “accidents” or remnants of a primate that was our ancestor. In the 1980s, scientists tested the theory. So it was discovered that human tails are an imperfect creation of the spine and can affect the development of the fetus, while it comes from a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

In the fifth week of development, the embryo develops a tail-like structure, a type of early spine. By the eighth week the tail is reabsorbed into the body of the fetus. If it persists until birth, it may indicate the presence of a larger birth defect.

Babies born with tails tend to have serious neurological problems and this means they need to receive more medical care than a simple tail removal surgery. However, these cases are so rare that a thorough investigation into this phenomenon is impossible.