Apple Changes Battery Icon Again With iOS 16.1 (IMAGE)   

It makes it even better

With the arrival of iOS 16 , which was released a few days ago on iPhones , Apple has brought along a feature that users have been asking for for years. This is none other than the indication of the percentage of the battery inside the icon, which has been absent since we saw iPhones with the “notch”.

However, even though we now have the battery percentage inside the indicator, many users complained that when turned on, the battery appears full, even if the phone has 50% battery. The icon, however, turns red when the battery percentage drops below 20%.

This seems to change again, since it became known that Apple will improve the battery icon which will now “empty” according to the percentage indicated in writing. Yes, the battery percentage will still be displayed inside the icon, but now the whole thing looks a lot closer to how it should have been from the beginning.

See the image below:

However, with 16.1 the battery percentage on the Lock Screen also changes, which will now look something like this:

At the moment, iOS 16.1 is only available to developers and will be available to everyone in the coming days. We will of course inform you with relevant news when it becomes available. Finally, with this update many bugs of the operating system will be improved.