Marvel: Light at the tunnel for “Blade” with Mahershala Ali  

Marvel: New director found for ‘Blade’ amid production woes

We had informed you about the serious problems that plagued the production of the Blade reboot , but now there seems to be light in the tunnel for the Marvel Studios film that abruptly stopped filming. 

A new director was found

Blade production is thawing . According to a report from The Hollywood Reporter, Marvel Studios has hired Yann Demange to direct the new Blade starring Oscar winner Mahershala Ali . Demange is known for directing the first episode of HBO’s Lovecraft Country series , and will be joined by screenwriter Michael Starrbury ( When They See Us ) to rewrite the film’s new script from scratch. 

Among the new information that has become known around the production is that Blade is taking a new direction that will give it a darker and harsher style, with the publication to . It is worth mentioning that Mahershala Ali put his hand in the choice of Starrbury as the screenwriter, having been confused by the previous script , which the information said had more and more tepid action scenes. 

In fact, the plan says Blade will go into production sometime in 2023 for cameras to start rolling, thus likely keeping the existing September 2024 premiere date. 

Blade will premiere on September 6, 2024.