Google’s AI gave the wrong information in its first presentation  

The AI ​​probably didn’t double-check its information

With the ” War of AI ” having just started between BigTech and especially Microsoft and Google, it has already been the first story one could say. 

In the presentation of Bard, Google ‘s AI that wants to compete with ChatGPT and Microsoft, there was a mistake that may not bode well for the future. 

As some experts claim Bard gave a wrong information in its first demo . Specifically, a gif shared by Google shows Bard presenting a result for the question ” What new James Webb Space Telescope discoveries can I tell my 9-year-old? ” 

Bard fired back with a three-point response, one of which said the telescope “took the first pictures in history of a planet outside our solar system.” 

See the result: 

Of course, a number of astronomers were quick to clarify that this is a mistake made by Google’s AI, as the first photo of an exoplanet was taken in 2004 by the VLT (Very Large Telescope), information available on the NASA website. “Without wanting to be ~really~ snarky, and I’m sure Bard will be impressive, but for the record: JWST didn’t get the ‘first image of a planet outside our solar system,’ ” tweeted astrophysicist Grant Tremblay;

As Bruce Macintosh, director of the UC Santa Cruz Observatory notes on Twitter: “Speaking as someone who imaged an exoplanet 14 years before the JWST launch, I feel like you’d have to find a better example ? “

Perhaps it is right that Google is not in a rush to make its Bard AI chatbot widely available to the public, as it will be within the next few weeks, so that such mistakes can be corrected.