Heatwave: Bridge in China “melted” from the heat and collapsed (VIDEO)

The footage from the Chinese media is breathtaking

We all experience the effects of the extreme heat that has spread like a hot veil over the planet every day, especially in the last few days. 

CNN broadcasts a news that impresses and at the same time inspires concern about what other dangers the incredibly high temperatures, due to climate change, may hide. 

According to a video released on China ‘s public media , a bridge in Quanzhou broke in half last Saturday due to the heat wave. The local authorities have also issued special warnings for the severe heat wave that is affecting the country in more than 70 cities in China, in which in several cases the temperatures exceed 40 degrees Celsius . 

In the video that was released and went viral in the last few hours, you will see the bridge in question “melting” and “breaking” in half.