Blue Origin rocket failure activates capsule escape system (VIDEO)  

The missile fell to the ground

A Blue Origin unmanned flight encountered complications, leading to the activation of the capsule’s escape system. More specifically, the New Shepard rocket was launched from Texas, carrying a capsule containing 36 payloads, including scientific equipment. Shortly after the launch, however, and specifically at the point where the rocket reached the maximum dynamic pressure (MaxQ), damage was detected in the rocket body and the escape system of the capsule was automatically activated, launching it away from the rocket body.

The rocket then fell to the ground and Blue Origin reported no injuries and all personnel were accounted for. The entire incident was broadcast on Blue Origin’s livestream.

The escape system worked as intended and the capsule landed at a nearby location without any damage to the equipment it was carrying. In the words of the livestream commentator:

It looks like we have an anomaly on today’s flight. This was not planned and we have no information yet. But the capsule was able to escape successfully and we will be tracking its progress until landing. As you can see, auxiliary parachutes have been developed and the main ones remain.

The incident was a good test of Blue Origin’s escape system, but the company will not be able to launch another rocket until the cause of the accident is investigated and civil aviation authorities sign off on the findings.