Elon Musk comments on UFO downings in his own way  

The tycoon and CEO of SpaceX calls them his “buddies”.

The latest UFO sightings and downings by the US military over US and Canadian airspace have been the subject of worldwide commentary.

Elon Musk, who is known to have a special liking for space, being the founder of SpaceX , which in recent years has innovated in its field,  could not be missing from the conversation .

Through his Twitter account – of which he is the owner and CEO – he of course commented in his own way and with his humor on the latest developments in this matter. 

In short, he told followers not to “worry” about these UFOs as they are “his friends”. 

“Don’t worry, it’s just some alien friends of mine who happened to drop by…” – Elon Musk

The latest developments on the subject of UFOs say that there have been two more downings, which at first sight are not connected to the downing of the China balloon. In fact, efforts are being made to recover the previous object that fell in Alaska but are being hampered by adverse weather conditions with temperatures reaching -20 degrees Celsius.

Pilots who approached the object reported a malfunction in their craft’s electronics, and described the object as cylindrical, with no apparent propulsion systems. The Minister of Defense of Canada, when asked about the origin of the vessel, refrained from giving an assessment of whether it is an earthly or extraterrestrial vessel, as she would like to have evidence in her hands first.

US General Glen VanHerck noted:

I don’t categorize them as balloons. We call them objects for a reason. I can’t categorize the way they stay in the air. I hesitate and urge you too not to attribute them to any country. We do not know.