Discord: Its new feature isn’t all that…new
Welcome to Forum Channels
The well-known social platform Discord , which largely helped to make forums disappear , becoming the application in which many communities have gathered, as well as the program preferred by millions of people for individual or group calls and video calls, is coming to bring a feature that it’s not that…new.
Welcome to Forum Channels. This is a chat mode for those who aren’t particularly keen on chat channels and want something with a slower flow. Forum Channels will be located in the left column of the application where the normal message and call channels are already hosted and will be able to have specific rules for publication and participation. At the same time, Forum Channels will also be fully compatible with Discord’s AutoMod, to keep discussions clean.
So, after the revival of Internet Relay Chat (IRC), as many Discord features mention, the platform is once again looking to the internet’s past for inspiration for the future.